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A comprehensive guide to understanding and avoiding recurring styes

A comprehensive guide to understanding and avoiding recurring styes

Dr. Francesca Olinga, Optometrist
A comprehensive guide to understanding and avoiding recurring styes
Chalazions et Orgelets
A comprehensive guide to understanding and avoiding recurring styes
Chalazions et Orgelets

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A comprehensive guide to understanding and avoiding recurring styes

Stye is an infection that affects many people around the world. Although mild, this eye infection can be not only painful but also embarrassing. If it becomes recurrent, you can imagine the discomfort it can create. It is therefore important to understand its causes in order to better prevent or avoid it. This article guides you through the possible causes of recurrent styes and offers you effective long-term strategies to avoid its recurrence.

What are the causes of recurrent styes?

A stye is a bacterial infection of the hair follicles at the base of the eyelashes. It is often caused by staph bacteria and causes red and painful swelling in the sebaceous glands in the eyelids. The infection can affect the outside or inside of the eye, depending on which glands are involved. Styes can occur on a recurring basis due to a variety of factors. Here are some of the reasons for the recurrence of styes:

Insufficient hygiene

Inappropriate hygiene is one of the main contributors to styes. In fact, touching the eyes with unwashed hands or neglecting eyelid cleaning can introduce bacteria, in particular Staphylococcus aureus, which is responsible for styes. Also, not removing your makeup before sleeping or using expired cosmetics increases your risk of infection.

Weakened immune system

A weakened immune system makes the body less able to fight infections. Diseases that weaken the immune system can compromise the immune response and thus facilitate bacterial multiplication. This may result in frequent styes.

Skin disorders

Skin conditions like ocular rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis increase the risk of styes. In fact, the conditions create an environment conducive to the accumulation of sebum and bacteria, which favors infections. People who suffer from these disorders should be particularly careful about their eye hygiene.

Prolonged stress

Chronic stress can damage the immune system and make you more vulnerable to infection. In addition, stress can cause you to rub your eyes, which further increases the risk of bacteria getting into the eyelids.

Constant exposure to a dirty or dusty environment

Living or working in a dirty or dusty environment exposes your eyes to irritants and pathogens. Indeed, dust and particles can irritate your eyes and promote inflammation. This thus increases the risk of infection by bacteria present in these environments.

Genetic factors

Some research suggests that genetic predisposition may make some people more susceptible to styes. Indeed, if members of your family have often suffered from styes, you may also be more likely to develop them due to these hereditary factors.


La blepharitis is a chronic inflammation that often affects the edges of the eyelids. It can lead to the accumulation of debris and sebum and thus create a favorable environment for bacteria. People with blepharitis are much more willing to do styes over and over again.


One diabetics poorly controlled can lead to a variety of eye problems, including increased susceptibility to infections such as styes. This is because high levels of glucose in the blood can have a negative impact on blood vessels and eye tissue. This will lead to an alteration of immune function and promote bacterial proliferation.

How can you avoid recurring styes in the long term?

Several interconnected factors contribute to the recurrence of styes. Careful attention to personal hygiene and adequate management of underlying medical conditions are essential to prevent this unpleasant eye infection. Here are a few a list of long-term solutions to prevent recurring styes:

Stop sharing your makeup products

Avoid sharing makeup, towels, or eye care products with others to minimize the risk of bacterial transmission.

Maintain strict eye hygiene

Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes without first cleaning them and do not rub your eyes vigorously, as this can introduce bacteria and cause irritation.

Take care of your contact lenses

Follow the advice of your optometrist about cleaning and maintaining your lenses and replace them regularly if you are used to wearing lenses.

Wear safety glasses if possible

Use safety glasses in dusty or windy environments to reduce exposure to irritants.

Eat a balanced diet

Eat foods that are rich in nutrients (vitamins A, C, E, zinc) to strengthen your immune system and prevent infections.

Practice daily eyelid hygiene

Clean the edges of the eyelids regularly and eliminate bacteria and secretions. We offer you advanced solutions at MAP when it comes to eyelid care and hygiene.

Deal with underlying conditions

Be sure to treat any underlying conditions, such as blepharitis, that could contribute to the recurrence of styes. Follow appropriate treatment according to the recommendations of a health professional.

Manage your stress

Practice stress management techniques (meditation, yoga, exercises) to maintain a strong immune system.

Consult an optometrist

Make regular visits to an optometrist if you have a history of styes, if you have signs of redness or irritation, or if you have chronic eye conditions. The CARE Clinic opens its doors to you greatly for holistic care.

In summary, recurrent styes may reveal other illnesses that need to be managed. With these long-term strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of recurrent styes and improve your overall eye health.


What is the difference between a stye and a chalazion?

A stye is an acute bacterial infection of the sebaceous gland, while a chalazion is a cyst caused by the blockage of a meibomian gland without infection. Styes are often painful and appear on the surface, while chalazion is generally less painful and deeper in the eyelid.

How do you treat a stye?

The basic treatment for a stye consists of warm compresses applied several times a day to promote drainage. It is also important to maintain good eyelid hygiene by gently cleaning lashes and eyelids. If the stye persists, a health professional may prescribe antibiotics or recommend specialized treatments.

Can styes be prevented?

Yes, good eye hygiene can help prevent styes. Washing your hands before touching your eyes, avoiding rubbing your eyes, and cleaning your eyelids regularly with appropriate products can reduce the risks. Using clean makeup and removing contact lenses at night are also important to avoid infections.