Co-management fees


Remuneration arrangements for referees

Complete Dry Eye Assessment
Evaluation of Chalazion or Stye
Blepharitis Assessment
Plasma Rich in Growth Factor (PRGF)

Co-management fees


Remuneration arrangements for referees

Complete Dry Eye Assessment

Our comprehensive assessment includes:

  • Risk factor assessment
  • The Osmolarity Test
  • The Inflammadry test
  • The meibomus gland scan
  • Measuring the thickness of the lipid layer
  • NBUT and FBUT
  • The frequency and amplitude of blinking
  • The Schirmer test
  • The measurement of the lacrimal meniscus
  • Assessment of corneal sensitivity
  • The evaluation of eyelid sealing
  • Biomicroscopy of the anterior segment with ocular dyes (Fluorescein and Lissamine Green)
  • Evaluation of the two diagnostic criteria for Sjögren's Syndrome
  • Education about home treatments
Evaluation of Chalazion or Stye

Our chalazion or stye evaluation includes:

  • Risk factor assessment
  • Meibomus gland scan
  • Assessment of the eyelid margin
  • The frequency and amplitude of blinking
  • Education about home treatments
Blepharitis Assessment

Our blepharitis assessment includes:

  • Risk factor assessment
  • Assessment of the eyelid margin
  • Education about home treatments
Plasma Rich in Growth Factor (PRGF)

Used device: Endoret system

A blood sample provides the equivalent of approximately 3 months of treatment if the patient uses the drops four times a day (QID).


As part of our referral portal, co-management fees are intended to cover the costs associated with initial consultations with the referring health professional. These fees will be recorded when the patient shows up for their appointment at the CARE Clinic.

Thus, when you, as a health professional, refer a patient to the CARE Clinic via the portal's referral form, and this patient receives the recommended evaluation, you will be paid a co-management fee.

These fees cover the costs of the following consultations:

  • Initial consultation : carried out during the referral with the completed co-management form.

The fees will be recorded when the patient shows up for their appointment and will be sent once a month for the month's referrals.

Please see our terms and conditions for more details.

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